Megaman X is a video game developed by Capcom and first published in Japan on December 12,
1993. The plot of the game follows the protagonist Mega Man X, an android member of a military task force called the "Maverick Hunters". With the help of his
partner Zero, X must thwart the plans of Sigma, a powerful Maverick leader wishing to bring about human extinction. Setsuo Yamamoto, Makoto Tomozawa, Yuki Iwai,
Yuko Takehara and Toshihiko Horiyama (members of Alph Lyla) composed its music.
In this page you can download sheet music, music files and more for the musical themes of the Super Nintendo (SNES) video game "Megaman X". Click
on the name of a theme if you want to visit its individual page, where you may find more information about it. If you are having problems downloading or opening the
files, please visit this link: How to Use this Website.